First, post a picture of you and your kid(s):
1. How many children do you have?
Just one for now--Lana
2. What are their ages?
Lana is 2 years, almost 4 months.
3. What time do you start your day?
Between 7-8am. Just typing that makes me smile b/c last winter Lana would start her day at 5am--ready for action. The moon was still out and there was not enough coffee in my pot to keep me awake. So even 7am totally awesome.
4. What do you eat for breakfast?
One cup of coffee with non-dairy, sweetened creamer. Then, it varies--a bowl of cereal or peanut butter toast or Trader Joes frozen french toast. I hate breakfast foods, but I have to eat something or my delicious coffee will burn a hole in my stomach.
5. Do your kids watch TV?
Hell yeah! On demand Little Einsteins, Backyardigans, Ni Hao Kai-Lan, Sesame Street are current faves. She only watches in the morning while we are having breakfast/getting ready and at the end of the day when I am cooking dinner, which is totally essential. I hate to "use" tv, but sometimes its necessary.
6. What are their favorite activities?
Play-Doh, blocks, drawing on her chalkboard, playing in the play kitchen--she cooks and prepares picnics for me, going to the playground--swings are the fave, singing and dancing, gardening with her dad. I know I listed a lot of favorites, but Lana has a very short attention span, so anything that hold her interest for more than 3 minutes is considered a favorite.
7. Do you get a break during the day for some you time?
Just naptime. When it goes away or we have another kid, there goes my 1-2 hours of "me" time. Sometimes I nap with Lana, sometimes I clean (ugh), sometimes I blog or surf the internet.
8. How do you end your day?
Well Lana goes to bed very late--9:30 or even 10pm. Believe me, I have tried to get her down earlier, but you cannot force a kid to sleep when they are not tired--at least not my stubborn kid. Anyway, by the time I get her down to sleep and shower (we are night bathers), I have about a half hour to chat with Bill and watch some crappy tv. I do wish Bill and I had more alone time together.
9. What is your best parenting advice or tip?
My mantra is "everything is a phase" which helps me through the rough patches. My other tidbit of advice is to never ever stick your finger into your child's mouth to feel for that new tooth--you will be injured.
I tag
Outnumbered Gal
Jill (are you out there?)
Lana is so cute, I cannot believe how much she has grown since we saw her last year! And you look great too. Thanks for the tag - I actually read this on another blog and wondered if my one friend Allison (uncontrolled experiment) would tag me -- but you beat her to it!
Thanks for tagging me! I'll get to it right away!
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