Sunday, September 7, 2008

Did I hear that correctly?

So we are watching this thing on TV about cancer via the local channel and they are talking about the first patient who received Gardasil (the cervical cancer vaccine--which is an amazing scientific innovation in my opinion) here in town. Its NOT covered by insurance and you have to pay $300. WHAT???????? Wait a minute--Viagra is covered by insurance yet a vaccine to PREVENT CANCER IN WOMEN isn't? How messed up is that? That just makes me mad.


Maria said...

That just goes to show...the healthcare system in this country is in need of a major overhaul. I also wanted to say thanks so much for all of your sweet comments on my blog.

Julie said...

Maria--I just love your blog :) Thank you too for all of your thoughtful comments as well.

It just burns me up that insurance will pay for men to get erections but not to save womens' lives. Typical.