Thursday, May 8, 2008

Food allergies

As I mentioned I have been having tummy troubles since I had Lana. The first year after her birth was pretty rough--I kept thinking I was getting food poisoning, but I guess not. I saw a GI specialist--she told me I had IBS, there is no treatment. Take some fiber, try to figure out your triggers and pray you are near a bathroom when you need one. Thanks. I have noticed that with normal hormone changes, I feel worse, so I take hormones to help stabilize the big swings. I also take fiber and probiotics. All help some, but there are still days when I feel like shit. (pardon the pun) So I got a new specialist doc and he did a bunch of bloodwork to make sure I didn't have cancer or something scary like that and I turned out okay, except my IgE levels were high, suggesting allergy, potentially environmental or food. His theory was that a food allergy may be messing up my guts. Alrighty--yesterday I got a scratch test--about 45 things tested and it turns out I am allergic to all the major food allergens: peanuts, milk, egg, chicken, corn and soybeans. Oh and oranges (huh?). The good news: I am not allergic to coffee! The bad news: what the hell am I supposed to eat? How is it possible that I am allergic to everything and I have never noticed before? I thought with food allergies, you blow up like a fish, hurl, get hives, anaphalaxis? WTF? I am getting some more blood tests and we will start an elimination diet to see if cutting out any of these allergens will help make me feel better. I like the idea of feeling better. On the downside, I think this will make me even crazier and more obsessive than I already am. The doc also told me that Lana is high risk for food allergies and we need to be giving her acidophilis, which is supposed to protect her somehow. Bill thinks this is all a bunch of hooey, which is what I would expect. He is such a surgeon sometimes. Ah well, off to have some coffee--yay!


Mountain Mom said...

So was it pregnancy that messed you up or where you always allergic to all of these things? Here's a blog topic: Top 10 Ways Having a Baby Has Ruined Me Forever. LOL :P

Julie said...

If I have been allergic my whole life, it is news to me! I can definitely co-author that blog about how having a baby has ruined me: my upset tummy, my sense of taste, increased motion sickness, my empty milk sacs I used to call boobs...:)