We went to San Diego for a few days just to get away after Bill's big exam. We figured it would be low-stress, since we used to live there--we would know how to get around, where to eat great meals and we wouldn't have to open a tour book. Bill was looking forward to this trip so much, even though it was just a long weekend b/c he has been so stressed and was excited about just sitting around.
The flight was seamless, except for the fact that all 3 of our seats were separated and when I tried to get at least 2 of them together, the airline employee said that on paper a 3 year old can technically sit by herself. I tried to remain composed as I explained that this is not a possibility and he suggested we take a later flight if they couldn't switch the seats. Luckily they switched the seats and I sat with Lana and this man didn't have a big red hand print across his face, b/c seriously I was contemplating it. Have I mentioned that I have rage issues during this pregnancy?
We get to San Diego and check into the hotel and Lana says the dreaded sentence, "Mommy, my tummy hurts". I figure she needs to poop and she does and I think its all over. But no, its not. On the drive to dinner, Lana is uncharacteristically silent and as we pull into the restaurant, she says, "Mommy, I have heartburn" and then she starts freaking out in the way that she does right before she pukes. I yell to Bill to get her out of the carseat and car, while I dash to the trunk to grab the plastic pail we just bought for the beach (very handy, I might add). Bill is holding her over the bushes and she is freaking out still and here is the kicker that made me want to cry on the spot: Lana says--"Mommy, don't worry, I am not sick. Don't be nervous." I felt like a horrible person. I have totally projected my phobia and obsessiveness about illness onto her. She is about to puke and the only thing she can think about is protecting me from my incessant worry that is invading my life.
So she didn't puke. We got our food take-out, although I didn't feel like eating after this. We went back to the hotel and she had a few more episodes of nearly puking into the pail, with us encouraging her to spit it out and not swallow it, but she never gave it up. This is also how I roll, by the way--I hover and spit, but rarely puke. I spent practically the whole night lamenting with Bill about how our vacation was ruined by illness, how I was probably next in line b/c I have no immune system, how my anxiety disorder seems to be returning (in the past few weeks I have noticed some symptoms again) and about how he cannot understand it and that makes him feel sorry for me. The next morning she had a low-grade fever and no appetite, but she did take fluids and small snacks and she had a good attitude, so we decided to go to the beach and play in the sand--which was so very fun!
We managed to salvage the weekend into sessions at the beach in the sand (but not much swimming b/c of the waves) and time at the hotel pool. The weather was a little cool, but we like it that way. Lana's appetite has not returned yet, which is so challenging when you travel and are eating in restaurants with limited choices anyway. I will post photos of the beach excursions in another post.
It was an okay weekend, just not quite as relaxing as I had hoped. I think Bill was relaxed, but I wasn't as much as I wanted to be. I see that I am most likely going to be having a repeat performance of treating my anxiety, once this pregnancy is over. I know many many women take SSRIs while breastfeeding, but I am not convinced of the long-term effects and I don't know if I want to do it. No judgement whatsoever about those who do though. I do have a dream of successful breastfeeding, but formula is not the poison that some people make it out to be. Its just expensive. I just don't want to miss out on the joys in life, just b/c I am worried about crap I cannot control. Its a huge huge waste of energy. My brain knows this, but my body does not respond accordingly. It sucks.
So we returned to the Pacific NW to record heat. No joke. Its going to be like 90-95 here, which may not seem very hot except NOBODY HAS AIR CONDITIONING!!!! Its freakin hot. Have I mentioned that I don't like the heat? Oh yeah, and I am pregnant, so my mom predicted it would be the hottest summer on record, just because I am pregnant. At least its not humid. I will never ever forget the disgustingness of being on a CTA bus packed with people in July in Chicago with no air conditioning. Its the worst stink you can imagine, plus with the humidity you totally need a shower afterwards.
I need to figure out what to cook this week that doesn't involve turning on the oven. Any suggestions from you people who live in normally warm climates?