Tuesday, June 10, 2008

That woke me up!

What a day we had yesterday! Lana and I went to our friend's house for a playdate--seems like a typical day for us. Well, we decided to go into their hot tub (which is more like a warm tub), which I knew Lana would be totally into since she loves the water so much. It was freezing yesterday--yes, I am aware that the entire rest of the country is sweltering right now, but here in the NW it was like 54 degrees, cloudy and windy with drizzle. Sounds summery, no? Anyway, we get our bathing suits on and I put a zip up hoodie on Lana, and one for myself, over our suits so we don't freeze on the way to the hot tub. As I am helping my friend take the cover off the tub, guess who decides to jump in? I hear a SPLASH and in goes my 2 year old, sweatshirt, shoes and all--completely submerged, eyes wide open, arms flailing, obviously scared shitless (as was I, to say the least). I jumped in and grabbed her as fast as I could, which of course seemed like not fast enough. She was okay. She just swallowed some water and was crying, but after 5 min or so, she was ready to play and I had trouble convincing her to come out of the water. Meanwhile, I was shaking like a bowl of jello for like 2 hours. I suppose its good that she wasn't afraid of the water after falling in, but its bad b/c I don't think there was a lesson learned.

On the other hand, I learned a lot from this experience:
  • I need a refresher course for CPR
  • We are super duper lucky she didn't hit her head and crack it open
  • I should have kept her in the house until we got the lid off
  • My electronic keys to my new minivan and my cell phone can take being submerged in water (they were in my pocket), but my watch from Target cannot
  • I am lucky lucky lucky I was standing right there

There is something very disturbing about seeing your 2 year old completely under water and struggling to come to the surface. When I asked her today if she fell or if she jumped, she promptly replied, "Lana JUMP!" Terrific. Regardless, it was a wake up call and my PSA to all of you readers with little ones is that it can happen so fast even if you are standing right there, so please be careful.

1 comment:

Mountain Mom said...

Julie - This is so freaking scary!! I'm so, so glad that Lana was not hurt. You can't ever be too careful with these toddlers and you can't turn your back on them for a second. Ugh!