Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hello again

Miss me? Our computer got a virus--the devastating, can't turn on anymore kind, so it was in the "shop" getting fixed. Then my husband has been monopolizing it to plan a vacation!!!! No complaints there, he is an awesome vacation planner--all I have to do is pack the bags and show up. Its awesome! So I am finally getting around to catching up with everything internet-related.

Its been a rough few weeks with Lacey's feeding issues, then the thrush, which seriously threatened my ability to continue breastfeeding. My lactation consultant helped me to get back enough supply so that Lacey was satisfied with nursing and I have abandoned pumping and bottle feeding altogether for now b/c I think Lacey was getting used to sucking down bottles fast and then not wanting to work at the breast. I am more comfortable (although not totally pain-free) following a course of anti-fungals.

So the feeding has become easier, but her sleep is horrendous. If there was any thought in my mind to have a third baby, the last month has convinced me that two is plenty. I am struggling at night. Lacey wakes up SO often. A good night is every two hours with a longish stretch of 3-5h at the beginning of the night. A bad night is her waking every hour from midnight till 7am. Its brutal and the bad nights outnumber the good nights. I do not know why she is waking. She sometimes just needs me to pop her paci back in, but more often than not, she takes a few drinks from the boob and drifts off into peaceful slumber (for a whole hour). Is it the itch? She still has some eczema around her eyelids, behind her ears and around her mouth. We had completely cleared it up and then she got a cold. Turns out viral illness can cause an outbreak, which means she will probably always have some patches since we are almost always sick around here. She is still being swaddled arms in b/c of the itching--when we take her arms out she scratches the crap out of her head and eyes, which wakes her up of course. Could it be unresolved reflux? She is on zantac AND prevacid, but she still has some days where she is so fussy during feedings. Does she just want to cuddle? Is it that she wakes up every sleep cycle wondering where the hell her mommy is? I don't know. We let her cry the other night to see what happens--she cried for an hour and fell asleep for...a whole 2h! What reward for enduring the screaming (note sarcasm). My ped said she is just barely of the age where they can actually learn from sleep training and that we should wait a few more weeks to try it in earnest. In the meantime I am so freakin tired from being up all night. Its hard for me to determine whether she has some physical discomfort, is truly hungry or if she is just workin me over. I need this phase to be over soon b/c I am driving myself nuts trying to make it better. I have decided to change my attitude as a means of coping. I used to read read read as much as I could to find out strategies to "fix" this problem--parenting websites, books, sleep books, etc. I obsessed about what a 4 month old should be doing (i.e. sleeping through the night or at least getting close to it, having some regularity in a schedule, feeding every 3-4h). But I have since decided that it doesn't matter what should be happening because Lacey is just not that baby. She has not fallen into a pattern for eating or sleeping, she feeds whenever--sometimes 2h, sometimes more like 4h, her night is all over the place and despite my best efforts to impose a pattern on her, all it does is make me feel like I am doing something wrong b/c she is not having it. So I have closed my books and decided to go with the flow. The important thing is that she is happy and growing. I just really want some sleep tonight. Send me some good vibes. Lack of sleep makes a mommy a crazy lady.

At least we are going on vacation!!! In April.


DesiDVM said...

Boy oh boy could I use a vacation.(Hey! We could go to Seattle! LOL) You know the deal over here, same story, different town. It's funny how Jr. and Lacey are the same exact age and always doing the EXACT SAME crap...in some ways it makes it easier for me to "go with the flow" because I'm realizing that alot of things Jr. does ALL babies this age are probably doing. I haven't cracked a book this time around, which is so different than with J. I'm not against sleep training but we're going to wait until Jr. is 7-9 months old, mostly because I think until then (when they are getting a lot more solids) it's very possible that BF babies really do need to eat a lot night. Although maybe not six times a night like our little monsters are doing...

A. said...

Yay for vacations! I'd kill for one of those right now.

Lacey will figure it out, and your attitude is great. She probably is at the age where you could try sleep training, but I know not everyone is comfortable doing that at 4 months. Hang in there!

Oh, one more thought, have you considered that the fussiness and eczema might be related to allergies? It's possible she's getting allergens through your breastmilk that are making her uncomfortable. Not a fun thought, and no easy solutions (elimination diet, switching to allergen-free formula), but if you get desperate you could investigate.

Maria said...

I was wondering where you were! Sorry nighttime is still so tough, I wish there was some magic to fix it for you. Hang in there, and enjoy your vacation. Are you going somewhere warm?

Beth said...

Yay for vacation! But I sooo feel your pain. The lack of any meaningful pattern or any identifiable "culprit" for the poor sleeping will seriously send you to the funny farm. Somehow, over the past 3 and a half years, I have adjusted to functioning or very little and sporadic sleep. Maybe you will, too! Anyway, go back and read my very first blog entries. I initially tried to keep track of William's sleeping, and he was about 4 months old at the time. It doesn't make for exciting reading, but maybe it will be a case of "misery loves company." Thinking of you and hoping things improve soon!

Donna said...

I had the same thoughts as A. I was wondering if it could be allergens. This could cause a lot of fussiness. Also some other ideas you might think about - what about keeping her awake a little longer in the evening. I know this is counter to everything that is said in the books. But we eventually did this with DS1 after our doctor told us to try it out. We did and it worked. It never worked for DS2 at all. He didn't start sleeping through the night until 11 months. Lordy was I tired everyday. But another thing you could try is to dream feed her right before you go to bed. I did this with DS2 and although it was a hard habit to break, it helped get me sleep from 10:30 pm until 2:30 pm when he woke up for the first time (of many) but I loved that 4 hour stretch!

Joanna said...

I think putting the books away is a good idea. I know they always made me feel like I needed to do something about everything, when sometimes the only thing you can do is try to ease the situation until whatever crazy baby phase you are in passes.

As far as sleep training goes, I'm going to give a very rare response for me. I'm one of those crunchie types that nursed Michael to sleep for 15 months. However, in this situation, I think that sleep training might be the best way to go. And, if that doesn't work, I think you should keep exploring ways for you to get some extra sleep. You can run like this for a short time, but over a long period of time, this is really going to start causing serious problems for you and your health.

I hope this is just a short phase and that things get easier soon. Big {{{HUGS}}}!

LauraC said...

This sounds like Nate to a T. VERY fussy, constantly waking. The only way I ever got him to sleep was to swaddle him super super tight using an uber swaddle, let him sleep on his right side in a positioner to help the gastric emptying, then play white noise at a RIDICULOUS volume. I mean like vacuum cleaner white noise at a vacuum cleaner level. I tried it at naps and he went from 30 min catnaps to 2+ hour naps immediately.

But I have to agree, allergies sound likely. Our allergist told us 90% of eczema in infants under 6 months is caused by allergies. Nate ended up in the 10%.

Then we CIO with him (and Alex) at 6 months and it was a godsend!! He was a tough nut to crack, he cried at bedtime for three weeks but then he went three years without waking at night AT ALL. Then potty training. Enough said.

Hope you get rest soon!

jessikahsd said...

Yes I missed you! Glad you are back but sorry you are having such a tough time. Hang in there! And where is the big vaca destination? I can't handle the suspense!

Megan said...

We missed you! Gosh, I can way relate to the insane sleep issues. Googling 'sleep help' at 2 am. Listening to crying babies. Rocking. Crying myself out of exhaustion! Sound familiar!? I kept detailed notes on Wyeth's "schedule" which wasn't a schedule until 9 months. When did he wake? Was there a reason? Did the medicine 'work' for reflux? I would drive Wy around at 2 am, 3 am on an interstate! It was dangerous and the whole process is seriously crazy making!! And then poof, it is behind you! And you don't know why they start sleeping. Or what you did or didn't do. And soon after you forget the hellish nights and think "maybe we'll have another!" :) (not that I'm really thinking that!) But anyway, keep us all updated! Hugs!!