Saturday, January 16, 2010

Catching up

Things around here were getting better. I say "were" because I have developed thrush in my left boobie and it SUCKS. I cannot bear to have Lacey nurse on that side because the PAIN! Its like a needle is going through the nipple over and over and over again as she drinks. So I am pumping just the left boob, letting her nurse on the right boob and letting Bill bottle feed the pumped milk. My lactation consultant gave me Gentian Violet to use, which is messy to say the least. You paint it on your nipples and you paint the inside of the baby's mouth. It looks like I took a purple magic marker to my nips and then drew on a purple goatee on Lacey after she nurses. It better work, dammit.

So before this whole thing surfaced, things were getting better. We got her eczema treated--it was gone in like 2 days, although we need to keep on going with the treatment until Monday to make sure all the inflammation is gone. Its great to feel her soft skin again! I also saw my lactation consultant and she was AWESOME. She told me that she thinks Lacey pulling on and off is due primarily to her reflux and that the prevacid will take at least a month to kick in full strength, so she probably is uncomfortable during feedings due to the reflux. She gave me some great tips on positioning during nursing. Subsequent feedings were much more comfortable for us both. Not perfect, but do-able. I have her in football position, laying on a 45 degree incline on pillows, in a dark, quiet room. So far, so good and I am thrilled. A week ago, I thought I may have to give up nursing because it just wasn't working. Now I feel like we are getting back on track as far as breastfeeding goes. That is, until we got thrush. But hopefully the treatment will work and we will be back on track for real. Sleep is still unpredicatable. I am routinely up with her every 2h. Sigh.

I finally decided to change the name of my blog to reflect the fact that I now have two kiddos. "Roundface" is what we called Lana when she was a baby and I wanted to see what nickname would stick with Lacey. We call her "mei-mei" the most. Pronounced, "may- may", its little sister in Chinese. We call her mei-mei more that we call her Lacey.

Lacey is such a happy baby. I can't believe that I ever worried about her not smiling because this kid is always smiling! It is so joyful to approach her and consistently get a smile--so rewarding. She also likes to "talk". If I lay her flat on her back and hover over her, she will coo for like a half an hour. She has a lot to say and its so cute! Lacey has recently learned how to grab at her toys hanging on the play mat. She is no where near rolling over because I don't give her enough tummy time. I am so surprised at how content and happy she is, given all these issues. Oh, I just love to snuggle her!

Lana is getting to be so independent. She is in school 4 mornings a week now. Getting out the door by 8am each day is a drag, but we do it. She can do so many things now without my help, its just insane. She picks her clothes (they don't always a match, but I let her express herself), gets dressed, brushes her hair and teeth and even puts on a little lip gloss or chap stick all by herself. She can do crafts by herself which can occupy her for an hour at least. She helps me around the house to earn an allowance. It was my grandmother's idea--and it has been working out great! Friday is pay day and she earns a dollar a week, but she has to pick up her toys, she helps me with washing dishes, cooking, sweeping and any other household chore I help her with. I am impressed with all that she can do and she is super motivated by money, which is a little surprising. She has spent $1 so far (she has earned $6 in total) on a piece of candy.

So that's my catch up post. I have so many things I want to blog about, but so little time to sit down and write. Someday...


Anonymous said...

I admire your perseverance in nursing your baby!!

The first month I used a pump. After that I just fed them formula. For me it was bad enough to feed two babies every two hours!

DesiDVM said...

See three isn't all bad LOL. J is also very helpful around the house, he has lots of little "chores" like emptying the silverware basket when I unload the dishes, feeding the cats and the fish (his favorite job), putting the soap in the washing machine, etc. He doesn't have an allowance exactly but if he's being helpful every couple of weeks he gets to use a dollar to pick out a matchbox car if we're at target or walmart. It's a very big deal to him LOL.

We've got the mornings down to a science now (I have to be out the door by 7:05 am in order to get the kids at daycare and be at work by 8). The key has been "racing" each other to see who gets ready first. LOL about the lip gloss - J obviously doesn't wear makeup but his father has taught him to spritz on cologne as the last step of getting ready. I often wonder what our daycare lady thinks when J comes in smelling like Eternity:)

Donna said...

I am sorry about the thrush. I know it must be so difficult. It is probably linked to using the antibiotics to clear up the infection on little Mei mei!

BTW I love Mei mei - so sweet. So much better than what we call our little one (yep we call him Little one - how does that work for a BOY when he's 12?!?!?!?)

Joanna said...

Well, aside from the searing pain in your boob, it sounds like things are going pretty well. I always look forward to your updates, but this one was certainly the most "interesting".

May you have a quick recovery from the thrush.

Megan said...

hey there! Great catch up post! I was wondering how things were going for you. I too had thrush with Wyeth. I didn't do the treatment you are doing (the visual of the purple goatee is hysterical) but it did clear up quickly. I think I just used nystatin (sp?) on my nipples and that was ok for him to nurse on. But man, does it hurt!! It was gone in about 48 hours- hope that is true of you too! And I literally laughed at my desk at the lip gloss comment! That is just too funny! So great that she is so independent. Isn't it amazing to see? I really think Lana and Seren would get along well. Glad you are on an upswing!

Beth said...

I'm soooo impressed with Lana's independence! I have to get on my very angry mommy face to get William to get dressed by himself. And he really doesn't get the idea of money yet. He knows that it buys things, but it hasn't occurred to him that he can use it to buy things for himself. Who knows when we'll get there. As for chores, he will sometimes help me when I ask. But most of the time, just getting him to pick up his toys is like pulling teeth. He has no interest in doing other jobs around the house. Seth, however, LOVES to vacuum, "fold" clothes, unload the dishwasher (he hands me each utensil from the basket individually--so cute!), and wash the dishes. If I can only get him to hang onto his helpful ways!

Sorry about the thrush--I hope things are better by now. So glad the LC helped so much.