Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stir crazy

I am starting to lose it. I have been in the house for going on 3 weeks. As a stay at home mom, you may think we are always at home, so what's the big deal? The big deal is that we are rarely at home all day every day. We have playdates, errands, outings. We go to parks, the library, even the pet store (i.e. the zoo). We socialize with friends, we eat out at lunch time--ladies lunch, as we call it.

This damn surgery recovery is taking forever. I am still on pain meds b/c unless I sit on the sofa all day, my belly hurts and I start walking all hunched over. I am getting better, but impatient b/c I want to get back to my life. I am allowed to drive now, but lifting the infant car seat is a little rough on me with the lifting and the more I rest, the quicker I heal, so I don't want to over-do it. The weather last week was beautiful, but I was too sore to take walks. Of course this week I am ready to be outside and its raining cats and dogs. Seems it will rain the rest of the week. Grr.

Okay, so I am impatient, but entertaining Lana indoors all day every day is starting to get old. We have been doing crafts. Lots of crafts. I am not crafty at all. I am officially all crafted out. Lana has been taking an interest in how words are spelled. She will ask "How do you spell grocery store?" So I have been trying to incorporate spelling into craft time with foam letter stickers to at least make it educational. I like how she likes crafts--its good for her creativity and at least we are not watching TV all day long. But I am getting bored with it and its messy. There are bits of paper, sequins, glue remnants, glitter, paper backing from stickers, etc. everywhere! Plus she hates to clean up, like most 3 year olds, so we fight about it. When she gets bored, she asks for snacks, so we have been snacking way too much too. When someone stops by the house, I can truly see how bored Lana is--she talks and talks and wants the visitor to play and she will not let you get a word in edge-wise. Snacks, TV, crafts, playdoh. This has been all we have been up to for the past 3 weeks, so you can see why I have not posted any thought-provoking or mildly interesting blog posts. I know that there will be a time in the not so distant future where I will be missing our craft days b/c she will be too busy or cool to hang with her mom all day.

Lacey is good. She eats, sleeps and poops. She snorts and grunts and only cries when she is REALLY pissed off, which is not that much. She definitely doesn't like her car seat. She loves to be held. Lana is so sweet with her, even when she is not sweet with the rest of us. Lacey is a sweet baby and she smells so good.

So that's it. Tomorrow, more crafts. Is it the weekend yet?


Maria said...

Oh, stir crazy is the worst! I am sorry that you are so stuck, I wish we lived closer so we could entertain you! Have you tried a tent with blankets in the living room? Or could you have Bill bring home a huge cardboard box? That is a huge entertainer around here! Hang in there, and take care of yourself. It will get better soon.

Beth said...

You poor thing! But excuse me if I'm laughing. (Not AT you, WITH you!) I hope you heal very soon. Is Lana going to preschool? Can you up the number of days/week? LOL. What about computer games? has some cute games for preschoolers. There's a free two-week trial and William really got the hang of them quickly.I still had to sit there and help him, but at least it's not crafts, right? Hang in there!

DesiDVM said...

I wish my hubby understood this, then he would know why I am waiting at the door when he gets home LOL. I'm not used to being a SAHM, and I kind of forgot how BORING it is being home with a newborn:P Thankfully J keeps me company but he's also watching way too much TV and we're eating too much junk (do we really need to make cookies every other day?). We've been trying to get out of the house as much as possible but outings with the two of them are such a procedure right now. Hang in there, right?

Joanna said...

Yeah, crafting with kids only goes so far. I hope you heal quickly and that you can start getting out more. That's the big drawback with blogs, I would love to stop by and give you a break, but it's a long drive.

LauraC said...

I wonder if there are any mom friends who could meet you somewhere to help take the car seat out of the car? I had a longer recovery too and I begged anyone and everyone to help me get out of the house, even to go to out to lunch or something just to break up the monotony! It just sucks bc the more you stay at home and rest, the quicker you'll feel better but the quicker you'll go insane.

Unknown said...

I know exactly what you mean!! The weather here sucks and Ashley has yet another cold. I took both kids out yesterday in the rain to do the preschool dropoff/pickup and it was such an ordeal getting out the door. Let me know if you learn any time-savers. I'll be thinking about you and wishing a speedy recovery!