Thursday, October 8, 2009

My first day with both girls

Yesterday my inlaws came over and wanted to take Lana to the library and other various activities that she was excited about on Tuesday. But she took one look at them and burst into tears--she did NOT want to go. She wanted to stay at home with mommy. She pitched a big enough fit that my inlaws gave in, went home and I was unexpectedly flying solo (as Laura would say). I felt like I could do it as long as I had good pain control and could keep up with Miss Whirlwind Lana. Did I mention she was in a very contrary mood?

Overall it went well. We mainly did crafts at the dining table and we watched tv and ate way more snacks then I generally give, but we made it unscathed! Lana never complained that I was spending too much time with the baby. She was super defiant about picking up her toys or activity before moving on to the next one and I had to pull out the threats, overall she was happy, she smiled, we laughed. We even made ghosts with tissue and tootsie pops, which is saying something b/c I am not crafty at all. She made 4 of them, one for each of us in the family.

Lana has been very sweet toward Lacey. I put Lacey in the baby pappasan and asked Lana to keep an eye on her while I use the bathroom. I was a little nervous about leaving her alone with the baby for even a few minutes, but she is not very aggressive. I told her to never pick her up, just to look at her and talk to her. When I came back, this is what I saw:

She was sitting very close to her, literally watching her and she told me that Lacey wanted to play with some toys.

Around 3pm, I started to get tired and my pain was coming back from over doing it a little. Luckily my dear friend brought over some Indian take out, so I didn't even have to think about dinner and neither did Bill, which was good b/c as soon as he came home, he was called back to the hospital.

Last night was kind of interesting in a bodily function kind of way. Lacey was sleeping at 9:30pm and I wanted to go to sleep, but she was almost due for a feeding, so we woke her up for a diaper change and a snack in hopes I could get a solid 3-3.5h (i know i am so lucky). Bill did the honors and as soon as the diaper came off, Lacey pooped all over his hand and the changing pad. Just as he is calling SOS, she pees on him as well. So we change her and I feed her and she sleeps well for 3.5h (!). When I feed her in the middle of the night, she is starving. She eats. She poops. I change her and re-swaddle. I feed. She promptly poops again. I change, I feed a little more and re-swaddle. She poops again! I change her, re-swaddle, give her a little comfort boob, lay her down and she pukes copiously. I grab blankets as fast as possible, but her tummy is empty and the mattress is wet. The miracle blanket is soaked. Now I need to find regular blankets that are large enough to swaddle and I can't find any. Grrr. She is fast asleep. When I managed to get the bed cleaned up and her re-swaddled, she is hungry again! We finally got back to sleep but it was like a 2h feeding. I can't complain though b/c she sleeps for such long stretches for a newborn. I am definitely not like the walking dead the way I was the first time around.

Here are some more pics b/c my faraway family and friends need to see her.

The lighting is not right here, but at least her eyes are open.Ignore the clutter please. Oy, my whole house is a mess right now. If you stop by, close your eyes.
Sisterly love...
Proud Papa...

Me and my little bug...


Megan said...

Ahh! I was laughing so loud at the picture of poor little Lacey surrounded by toys! That rocks! I love how literal Lana is "just watching her, momma". I can almost hear it! What a great post! Look at that little sweet face! And you look fantastic! SO glad to see the relief on your face. And geez, all the poop? I have been there and done that. Babies go through diapers SO fast. Sometimes Wyeth would just pee on it before I even had it placed on correctly! Wee!

Great post, Julie! Beautiful family. Love that there were FOUR ghosts. Sounds like a major success.

Maria said...

She is so beautiful! Great job on your first day home alone!

Beth said...

It all sounds so perfectly normal! And I can so relate to the craziness with the poop and the throw-up and the 2-hour feeding. It's all part of the adventure! (I'm rolling my eyes.) Glad that things sound like they're right on track. And good for you for giving Lana all the reassurance she needs, and letting her stay home. Hugs!

LauraC said...

That pic of her surrounded by toys is so precious! Glad to hear it is going well, it is a huge adjustment but sounds like everyone is doing well so far.

And takeout... the bane of our existence the first 3 months.

DesiDVM said...

See this is why I read mommy blogs! You just totally made me remember that we have a miracle blanket from when J was a baby! Off to look for it in hopes of a 3.5 hr stretch of sleep LOL.

BTW you're not alone - the baby has now peed on pretty much every bed/couch/chair in my house. He's a pee machine.