With Lana, I was induced, but it was determined that my pelvic bones are way too narrow to allow a baby's head through, so I was taken back for a C-section. I never read the chapter on C-sections in What to Expect.. and we missed the birth class on C-sections, so I was pretty oblivious at the time, getting wheeled to the OR. This time though, I know what's coming and I am not looking forward to it. Perhaps you or someone you know had a C-section and was walking around that afternoon and running a marathon that weekend, but I thought it was pretty painful and I was surprised how immobile I was and for how long.
I know it will be fine, I will get some percoset, in two weeks I will be almost feeling like I can get out of bed, etc. But I still feel nervous about surgery--things happen. My OB is coming home from vacation today and I have the first case tomorrow--he better not be jet lagged. But even with a well-rested and competant surgeon, things happen. So say a quick prayer for me and little baby. I don't want any surprises--just a routine surgery and a healthy baby.
Bill will be with me during the day, but will come home to be with Lana in the evening and overnight. My inlaws will have her during the day and will likely help out with me at home, once I am released and Bill goes back to work next week. My mom is staying the nights with me in the hospital. I am so lucky to have so much help this time, especially compared to last time.
So that's it. I am nervous, but excited. I feel like I am about to defend my dissertation or take the SATs. Something big and life-changing is about to happen. I had a raspberry jelly donut today to take the edge off--it helped. I hope my good eating habits return once this baby is out. I am not going to live a long life on nachos, nutella and jelly donuts. Tomorrow we are a family of four!
Here are some final pregnancy photos taken yesterday:
Good luck! I guess as I type this you are either the mommy of two, or will be shortly. I hope this c-section is a little easier on you. I'm glad that you are honest about what it was like, and I hope knowing about what it's like this time makes things go a little easier for you over the next few weeks.
I'm interested to find out which is easier, having a baby or defending your dissertation.
Good luck! I will be sending good thoughts your way!
Good luck to you today! I have to say that the planned c-section went much better for me than the unplanned. Hope you can have the same luck!
What a little belly! Good luck - you have been in my thoughts all day!
I'm thinking of you Julie! I hope you are resting comfortably while your precious baby quietly sleeps. Can't wait to hear of her arrival. Hugs to you all!
OMG how exciting...our kids are being born a day apart! I have to be induced today (9/29) and right now it's 4am and I can't sleep because I'm so nervous/excited/freaked out that the baby is coming today for sure. When hubby asked why I'm awake I told him, "We're on the train now and can't get off." That's how it feels anyway. By tomorrow we'll have 2 kids!!
I hope everything is going well with you guys and praying for a speedy recovery for you!
I think you are one of the smallest 9 month prego women I have ever seen you look great!
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