Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Things she said today

I had one of those perfect days with Lana today. I so often blog when I feel frustrated or at the end of my rope, just as an outlet. But so often, I have wonderful days and although I feel thankful at the end of the day, I rarely take the time to write it down.

Today Lana went to preschool, we went out to lunch at McDonalds, ran over to Costco and came home for a quick change of clothes. She didn't seem tired at all (sometimes she naps, sometimes not. I wing it based on tired eyes and/or attitude) and it was a beautiful day, so we went to a local park which just opened its petting farm. Lana was so excited to see the animals after a long winter of explaining where they go when its cold. Then we went to the splash park, then the regular playground, then home for a popsicle. After all this we went to the backyard and did fingerpainting, then watercolor, then played in the water table. Soon Bill came home (whew--I was getting tired) and they played soccer in the front yard and watered the plants. Can you believe she didn't even fall asleep at dinner? It was nonstop activity all day today. The best part? No whining! Not even a little. No demanding either, just polite, lovely, sweet Lana at her best. It was the perfect summer day, just the two of us hanging out.

She said many funny/sweet things today that I want to remember:

"Its fun being big. I can walk. I can talk. I can eat pizza and apples and ice cream." Word for word, this is from the book about being a big sister. Its funny what makes an impression, but not surprisingly it has to do with food.

"You are my mom. Forever and ever." She kills me with the sweetness sometimes.

As we were finishing up watercolor: "Okay boys and girls, its time to clean up!" That must be a direct quote from her teacher.

"Mommy, thank you for taking me to Forest Park today. It was SO FUN!" Her first unprompted thank you--ever!!

"Didection (translation: digestion) is when you eat food and then you poop it out." Thank you Sid the Science Kid.

So that was my perfect day in a nutshell. She went to bed early, but not obscenely early and I am beat. I wish every day could be this fun b/c I didn't have to ask anything twice or threaten to take something away for not listening or any of that typical 3 year old business. I am sure tomorrow will be back to normal.


Maria said...

Wow, that sounds like the best day ever! I love days like that.

Megan said...

Awesome!! You packed a TON in a short amount of time. Good for you for recording the good days, the fun times and the great quotes. My blog post will be about things Seren said yesterday too. And *I* was reading the "big sister" book in my head as I read your words. Seren quoted that a lot when Wyeth was newly around. "Too little to walk. Too little to talk..." I really like that one! Glad you had a blast!

Joanna said...

What a great day. It's sounds like you both enjoyed yourselves. Don't you wish it would happen a little more often?

Beth said...

I love that you captured this day! May you have many more like it. :-)

Donna said...

These days are what we live for.