Saturday, August 8, 2009

Getting ready

Today is the first day I feel like we are actually preparing for this baby's arrival. It is amazing how very different my mindset is this time around. Last weekend we had a garage sale and while I was going through boxes of crap in our basement, I ran across a few baby things from Lana that I pulled out--crib sheets, a bumper, a changing pad cover, a baby bjorn, an infant bathtub and that's about it. I did manage to bring them upstairs to the new baby's room and throw them in the closet. How is that for preparedness?

Today Bill put together Lana's old crib and set the mattress at the highest level, which looks so weird. Bill took the guest bed that currently occupies the new baby's room and shoved it over to the wall, making room for the crib and changing table. I washed the sheets and put them on the crib, along with the crib skirt and the bumper. I even went through baby clothes and organized them by size and hung the 0-3 month stuff in the closet. I didn't wash them or take any tags off (I have purchased a *few* things in my travels at Target and such), but at least I know what I have and what I may need, which I determined today is not much at all. This is the beauty of having another girl! There is very little that I need to buy--yay to that! Plus my friend Jamie let me borrow a whole pile of adorable 0-3 month clothes from her daughter, so really I am well-stocked with clothes. I did purchase some blackout curtains, pink of course, for the nursery that Bill still needs to hang, but that has been my only major purchase so far. I know the details of all of this are very boring, but I have to say that as I sat in the new baby's room after I finished all of the above mundane tasks, I really had a moment or twelve of disbelief that we are going to be welcoming a new baby into our family in 6 short weeks, or is it 7 weeks? I never remember how far along I am. Anyway, it feels real today. A baby. A new life. I am so curious. What will she be like? What will Lana think of her? What will she think of Lana? I hope they like each other, some of the time at least. I am so not looking forward to the sleep deprivation.

I am so overwhelmed with the blessing of this baby because now that we have Lana, I understand more fully the love you have for your child and what they bring to your life. When I was pregnant with Lana, all I felt was fear because I had no clue what I was doing having a baby--I didn't know anything about children, let alone tiny babies! I was just hoping that I wouldn't suck at it. This time, I have a totally different perspective. I feel like I know what I am getting myself into (which is a bit scary, but more exciting too), I feel so very lucky and I know that I may not be the best parent in the world all of the time, but that we will get through the rough patches and we will all be fine on the other side. And the good parts totally outweigh the challenges. I know that now, but I didn't when Lana was born.

My biggest concern is how Lana will fare throughout this transition. I know most big siblings have a tough time at first, but that they adjust and everybody falls into their new role in the family eventually. I am pretty convinced that Lana will act out, will not be pleased with me being occupied with the baby and will in general feel jealous. I do think that over time, it will be good for her to have a little sister. She likes to pretend to be a teacher, she certainly loves to be bossy and she relishes her accomplishments as a big girl. It just may take a while for her to see the positive side of being a big sister.

I have also been thinking a lot about my repeat C-section. While its nice to have a fairly concrete plan this time around--I mean I have a date and time which is pretty set unless I go into labor sooner, but even so, I will still be having the surgery--but I am more apprehensive about the actual surgery and recovery. I have dreams about it. I have heard every single nightmare story of C-section complications. I remember my hangover from the spinal where the room was spinning and I was begging for Zofran. I remember getting up to go pee--OMG the ouchie!! I recall walking hunchback for a long time. I remember loving my percoset for at least 2 weeks and feeling really goofy and weak the first time I went to Wal-Mart with my mom to buy some diapers. That reminds me, I should probably start buying some diapers. Anyway, I remember the recovery was long and I was a wimp about pain. This time Bill will only be off of work for like 4 days and I will have Miss Impatient Lana to deal with as well. I will have my inlaws come over to help with Lana and meal preparation, so I am lucky for that. I know I will get through it one way or another, but its definitely on my mind these days.

In other pregnancy-related topics, my morning sickness seems to have returned. Goodie. This happened when I was pregnant with Lana as well. Somewhere in the third trimester I felt icky again. The thing is with Lana, I felt pretty shitty the whole pregnancy, so I noticed the severity increased again in the third trimester and it was do disappointing. This time around my morning sickness was pretty mild in the first trimester, actually it only occurred in the evening and then it was gone. But the last few days all around dinnertime, I have been feeling pretty queasy. It happens at the same time everyday and its gone the next morning, so it must be a morning sickness type of thing. Its ruining dinner for me though, so I am trying to eat my big meal at lunch. I feel pretty wonky right now as I am typing this. Blech.

It felt good today to get organized and prepared as much as I can. Kind of like the way cleaning used to make me feel. My friend A recently posted the most hilarious and appropriate thought on facebook the other day: "Cleaning while you have children is like shoveling while its still snowing." Is this not SO TRUE!?!


Megan said...

Wow! What a post! Lots ot reflect on and comment on. I could echo so much of what you wrote: apprehension about the whole wild idea of having another child, confidence that you have 'done it before', concern about physical pain, excitement....been there, done that. And it is just wonderful. It is hard, mind numbing exhausting, frustrating and painful but when all is said and done, seeing TWO faces that are YOURS? It is just amazing! I love watching an entirely new relationship developing!! That first meeting - of the two people who quickly are central in our lives- is just awesome. SO much more to say but know I am thinking of you! If you ever want to email please drop me a line: meganhangus at gmail dot com. Keep us posted! And as for the line from your fb friend- that is BRILLANT!

Joanna said...

I'm so excited for you. I'm glad that you feel that you are finally preparing for the baby. I've realized that what you actually do matters less than your perception of what needs to be done. If you have diapers, some clothes, and a place for the baby to sleep, your good.

I hope your repeat c-section is an easier recovery for you this time. I only had a small tear to deal with, and I was a big wuss over that. I cringe at thinking of picking up a three year old with abdominal stitches.

Beth said...

Despite all your concerns and "what-ifs" and all the unknowns, you really do have it all together. Hoping for the best, expecting the worst, and the truth will be somewhere in between. I'm glad your in-laws will be able to help after Bill goes back to work. But just know that Moms are superheros--the strongest people on the planet. We do what needs to be done, no matter what. And being a mom has made you way stronger than you were before you became a mom. I wish you still lived close by, but I know you will be fine! Hugs!

Donna said...

I have to say that you should not have preconceived notions about how Lana will act. Everyone sets you up for the act out. Just let things ride, she might surprise you! Also, I was terrified too about my repeat c-section. I did it for a number of reasons which you don't need to be bored with, but it was fine overall. I had tons of things to deal with afterward and though I had some complications, it went pretty well. I think it also depends on the doctor. Talk to your doctor about the issues and have them ready to help you through them asap!

DesiDVM said...

OMG six weeks!!! I could have written this post LOL. I guess we "forget" how the last trimester starts to feel like a marathon of tiredness, sore back, charley horses, horrible heartburn, the return of nausea...
But on the flip side I'm pretty sure this is my last pregnancy so I'm trying to enjoy it. I agree by far the biggest difference is the older child, I can't stop worrying about how J will be affected by everything from Mommy being in the hospital to having a crying baby in the house. I feel oddly stressed right now but more "prepared" mentally than I was with J. Ah I could go on and on but I'll stop here and start hyperventilating SIX MORE WEEKS!