Wednesday, April 28, 2010


We had a great time on vacation. The girls did pretty amazing on the long flight to Kauai, especially Lana. I got her one of those hand-held Leapster game thingys and between that, coloring and a million snacks, she was good to go. Lacey didn't really fuss or cry much on the flight, although she didn't really sleep either (big shocker there). She would only catnap for like 30-45 minutes and that was it. Our resort was just beautiful and we just planned on hanging out at the pool and beach, rather than sightseeing, like we used to do before kids. The mission was to unwind, relax, swim, eat and drink. And we did!

So here is the trip in photos:
I am feeling brave to post this photo in my bathing suit, but Lana's face says it all--do you think she looks happy or what?This is the day Lacey cut her very first tooth! I tried to get her to open up, but no deal.
Each afternoon, we brought the girls back to the room at 2pm for a nap. Lana has not napped since last summer, but with the time difference, it was essential. The miraculous thing about it is that both girls slept at the same time and Bill and I enjoyed a beer and a book out on the lanai. AND we managed to do this every single day! Both girls asleep at the same time for 5 days in a row is no small wonder! It was wonderful! Here are my sleeping beauties:

I love this pic of Lana with the plumeria--she was looking at this woman standing behind me.
Because it was not hot (mid 70s with wind and some rain too), we could really be outside without getting overheated. None of us got sunburned thanks to some serious SPF and Lacey could nap outside when she got fussy--we just wrapped her up in a towel and rocked her to sleep. I even nursed outside (covered up, of course)!
And finally, some sisterly love....
It was a great trip. We had a few behavior meltdowns and only one sour morning out of Lana. The biggest challenge was Lacey's sleep--no surprise there, but she is easygoing enough that even sleep-deprived, she was in a decent mood. Bill and I caught up on sleep too since we went to bed at the same time as the girls each night. It was nice. Overall, a great family vacation. I can't tell you the number of times we told Lana how lucky she is to be able to go on great trips like this. Gratitude and perspective is something we really struggle with teaching her. We all felt lucky to be able to have such a nice getaway.


Beth said...

Awesome pictures! I can't believe how big Lacey has gotten. And Lana is just beautiful. It looks like you guys made the absolute best of your vacation. You both needed it and deserved it! (And I am totally jealous!)

Joanna said...

Great pictures of a great vacation. I'm so glad you had a nice time. And dude, they both napped at the same time! Awesome!

I love all of the pictures, but the one of Lana napping is so beautiful. I love how her cheeks are tinged with just a little pink.

Megan said...

You guys SO needed this! What beautiful pictures. And look at Lacey's face! Wow. Such love bugs! Lana is so tall- when you hold her, her legs seem to go all the way down your body. Amazing! Sounds like it was just what you guys needed!

Unknown said...

How fun!! It looks like you all had a blast. I love the pics of them sleeping. Such angels! You would never know they were capable of meltdowns :)