I promise to get to our vacation, complete with photos and videos, but I only have a few minutes, so I will recap our weekend.
We are desperately trying to re-acclimate to our time zone, as jet lag has screwed us all up. Lana is pretty much back to normal, except she is eating meals at strange times, but I can live with that. Lacey is all over the place. She slept "normally" the first 2 nights home (every 2-3h wakeups), but over the weekend she woke up 4 times before midnight and then at 3am we let her cry, which lasted till about 6am. Yes, that is 3h. Not 3h of continuous crying though--she cries for 10 min, falls asleep for about 5-10min and then cries again, stops, sleeps a few minutes, repeat for 3 h. Finally at 6am, I went in, nursed, rocked, pleaded and she slept for a whopping 2h. It sucked the life out of Bill and I. Luckily, Lana slept through the whole thing. I just can't figure out this baby. I mean the whole point of CIO is the out part. She never got there. Last night, we co-slept b/c I couldn't do another night like that. Tonight we are starting a new strategy, but sadly I am not hopeful at this point. I feel like she is the world's worst sleeper--every little thing wakes her up.
Aside from not sleeping, Bill and I managed to get some things accomplished. We went to the lumber store to choose a wood floor for the new kitchen, we researched and looked at new appliances, and we measured and measured and contemplated about which cabinets to add and where. We are keeping our countertops and existing cabinets, but when we change out the appliances, we will lose some cabinet space, so we hope to add a few to make up for the lost space.
Lana spent a lot of time with my mom and they had a blast. I think Lana was just so grateful to get out of the house with boring old mom who does nothing except coax the baby to sleep. I love the relationship that Lana has with my mom. Its so fulfilling to watch develop. Lana was uber sweet this weekend too, which doesn't hurt. I mean REALLY great. Like, "Lana, would you please do XYZ?" "Sure mom!" Whoa. Its good stuff. Bill had a work meeting/dinner on Saturday night, so mom came over and we made pizza (with rice milk cheese for me--not bad, really) and rented Alvin and the Chipmunks. Lana loved the movie, which was really surprising since her attention span for feature films is kind of low.
I spent Sunday morning making baby food for the first time. It was pretty easy, although I need more ice cube trays. Lacey ate the home made sweet potatoes happily. Yay to that and thanks to
Desi for the inspiration.
So that was the weekend in a nutshell. This week is looking pretty busy, but on the top of my list is those photos from vacation.