Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Halloween That Wasn't

I am looking forward to seeing all of your kids in their Halloween costumes, b/c well, we didn't do Halloween yesterday. Poor Lana was too sick and frankly she didn't give a hoot about Halloween or Trick or Treating. All day she was deliberating about which costume to wear. In August I scored an adorable flower costume from a consignment store that was warm and fuzzy. She also recently got her first princess dress-up dress--Snow White that I was going to let her wear for her school Halloween party since it was inside and she wouldn't freeze. But she missed her party b/c I couldn't send her to school with boogers dripping down her face, so I told her she could be either Snow White or the flower for real Halloween. Its so funny when I think about giving her choices. My mom and grandmother always comment about how we give her too many choices in general. Like its some newfangled parenting technique. Back in the day, you buy or actually make the Halloween costume and that's it--you are wearing it! No choice! But like many 3.5 year olds, Lana has been super indecisive about what her costume would be and yes, I have given her too many choices. But that's what we do these days--we give choices and time outs, we dilute the juice and we don't spank.

Anyway, last night at 5:30pm after a monster crying spell about um..nothing, Lana went up to her bed and slept. Wow--that's novel. She has never done that before. She must really feel like crap. We woke her for dinner which led to more crying and we decided no trick or treating. She didn't care as long as she could have a few pieces of candy for her pumpkin from our stash. She seemed happy to have some sweet tarts after dinner and help me at the door. I asked her if she wanted to put on her costume so that the kids who come to our house would see her costume too--nope, no deal. So we put Lacey in her pumpkin onesie and took a few photos and that was Halloween this year.

It was so worth it though. It was pouring rain, which would have been miserable to walk around in. Especially since she was sick already, staying home was the right decision. I couldn't help but feel bad that she didn't get to do Halloween, but really I need to just drop my expectations. She is 3--she will never remember that she didn't do it. Plus I am sure there will be plenty more holidays and parties missed due to illness. So I am over it. Luckily I have another girl to save that awesome flower costume for.

Here are some photos of pre-Halloween festivities: cookies and pumpkin carving, followed by a couple of photos of Lacey my pumpkin and her startle response.


Bren said...

I hope Lana is feeling better soon. She won't remember that she didn't get to go out and from what it sounds like - it would have not been so fun anyway. LOVE the pumpkin outfit!

LauraC said...

I have lost count of the number of holidays we've lost bc of illness. This was the first Labor Day of four that we weren't cleaning up puke or dealing with crying tantruming sick kids. I figure the holiday is for them and if they don't want it, then that is fine!

Hang in there. I think the hardest times were when the boys were babies and sick bc I worried so much more about them. Oh and NO SLEEP!

Joanna said...

Wow, that really stinks. She must have felt pretty bad to miss Halloween. The pictures are adorable though.

Hey, there's always next year...

Beth said...

Awwww, poor Lana! Hope she's feeling better by now. And it's always best to follow their lead when it comes to stuff like this. Especially if it was raining! Yuck. The pictures are adorable, though! Looks like Lana enjoyed Halloween, even if she didn't go trick or treating.

Megan said...

Oh man! You all had quite the week! But everyone else is right, Lana won't really "miss" it. I am usually the one who is disappointed- I have BIG plans for the 'big holidays' and then feel crushed when they don't turn out as planned. Here is hoping Lacey continues to keep the fever at bay. These 'sick days' age us, don't they? Hope you are hanging in there!

jessikahsd said...

You are absolutely right - she won't remember and from the pictures you posted, it looks liek she had a great time anyway! Hang in there!