Sunday, December 21, 2008

Are we there yet?

Now that we have this sleeping thing pretty much down, Lana knows the routine:
3 books,
2 songs,
lights out, ceiling fans and classical music on,
Big hug, kiss and squeeze
"goodnight Lana, see you in the morning"

Sometimes she tries to stall with,
"Mama, I got a question.."
"what is it, baby?"
"ummm, there is my play kitchen, my blocks, my books"
"that's not a question, now go to sleep" and I walk out.

Last night, she says,
"Mama, I got a question..."
"what is it baby?"
"Is Santa coming tonight?"
"nope, not till Wednesday night"
"what day is it now?"
"Saturday, we have 4 more days"
"only 4? That's not too bad" Then she smiles and rolls over, content as can be.

She is just getting cuter by the minute.


Joanna said...

Well, Santa may not be coming for a few more days, but it sure sounds like you got your present. Lana sleeping! Congrats!

Donna said...

How was Christmas? How's everything going????