Thursday, December 16, 2010

Time, where have you gone?

This has nothing to do with the holidays, but holy moly, I have no time--for anything. WHY WHY WHY? I am a stay at home mom. I have my mom, my inlaws for help and they help a lot. My husband is a very involved father. There are a lot of families who are clearly busier, with more commitments and less help and they seem to have it together. Where are the hours in the day going? I have two things I do every day--I take care of the kids and I make meals, including home cooked dinner 6 days a week. I have two activities outside the home--a bookclub and I am on the Board of Directors for the local Children's Museum. In the last 6 months, I have read exactly one book and I have attended one Board meeting. I barely update my blog, I don't exercise, I don't watch any DVRed TV shows, I don't chat on the phone with my friends. I certainly don't have time for hobbies, that is just a joke.

I think for me the change has been the birth of Lacey and then the long period with sleep deprivation. She still wakes up 3 times a night crying, but settles down herself within minutes. Why is she still night waking at nearly 15 months??? I digress, but I forgot how consuming it is to have a mobile baby who can't really communicate, who doesn't understand logic or follow directions, who pushes me away from the kitchen counter every time I get near it. She is active, into everything, stubborn, but cute as hell. I cannot take my eyes off of her for a second. I spend her naptime cooking dinner and when my inlaws watch Lacey one day a week, I have SO much to do and catch up on that those 4 hours just fly by--the extra stuff, the fun stuff, the stuff for ME just gets pushed to the bottom of the list. We generally eat dinner after Lacey is in bed and then its a crunch to get Lana bathed and in bed. Then the dishes, making Lana's lunch, taking my shower and I plop down on the sofa with Bill for an hour before we need to get to bed.

I miss having energy, goals, hobbies, a To Do list that was do-able, a neat and tidy home. But really I have nothing to complain about b/c I have a pretty cushy life. I appreciate that, I really do! I just wish I had enough spare time to catch up on things, not feel so discombobulated. Maybe when Lacey goes to school in 2 years I will get back to my bookclub, writing grants, organizing photos, having a hobby and maybe, just maybe one day I will fit in some exercise. That would be one of those hell freezing over kind of moments, but I am still putting it on my list.

I know this complaint is not unique to me, and certainly there are other moms with WAY more on their plate, but I do notice that other moms seem to have other stuff going on in their lives. Maybe they just don't need as much sleep as I do, or maybe I am just a lazy bones. Maybe I just forgot what its like to have a baby around and I just need to chill until she gets a bit older and can be more independent.


In other, non-whiny news: Lacey is approaching 15 months old and has recently had developmental explosions! She is walking so fast now, climbing everything (yikes!) and can understand SO much of what we say to her.

Her words are:
Nana (Lana)
Baw (ball)
Doe (door)
Boe (bowl)

She can point to her nose, eyes, teeth, tongue, hair, belly button, toes and hands upon request.

If you say, "Its time to go pick up Lana from school." She will walk to the door, pick up her jacket and stand there.

If she wants a snack and you ask her to go find her bowl, she will return with bowl in hand.

She blows kisses, waves and is obsessed with pointing out pictures in those First Words books. The thing is, Lana thinks its funny to teach Lacey the wrong words--i.e. if Lacey is pointing to a duck, Lana will tell her "horse, Lacey". Sneaky little thing!

This is totally a fun age, despite its demands.


Karen said...

You are not the only one who wonders where time goes. I have found that since I became a SAHM, I have very little time to myself. I simply think it takes longer to do things with kids around and that's why it seems like I barely get anything done some days. Or at least that's my story!

LauraC said...

Yeah, I think you underestimate how much the night waking can exhaust you. I pretty much had no extra motivation and just did the bare minimum to get by the first two years with twins (2 is when they started sleeping and stopped being so sick all the time).

Lindsay said...

It gets so much better when you don't have to have eyes on the LO 24/7. I can actually let the boys play upstairs and go downstairs to start dinner most of the time. I just get called to referee periodically!

Megan said...

This age is sooo sweet but the watching them like a hawk thing is also REALLY challenging! And draining! I can honestly say that just a few months from now, it will be better! The toddler's job is to research EVERYTHING and the parents' job is to make sure that they stay safe. Not always easy!

I have the exact same thougths as you everyday. 'What the hell? Where did the day go?' We pack it with so much stuff but I am always struck by the lack of intentional living that is in mine. I go through the motions because we have to. Get up. Shower. Coffee. Commute. Home. etc., etc that I often feel like 'wait! I haven't changed the world today! I haven't even tried!' :) But we are all in this! And the stuff we do daily- that whole 'ground hog day' feeling IS changing our children's worlds. Bit by bit. hang in there! Hugs!

Maria said...

I cannot believe she is 15 months already. Holy fasdt forward, Batman. For what it's worth, I feel the same way about never getting anything done, never having enough time. I think it will pass, eventually.

DesiDVM said...

So...yeah, I just don't sleep. LOL. Now that Jr. is not bf'ing he still wakes up 1-2 times a night but me & hubby trade nights. The nights he's "on duty" I get up early the next morning (i.e. 5:30am) to run. The nights I'm on duty I can barely open my eyes the next morning.

I never have anything completely done. The house is ALWAYS a mess. Always. I feel like I spend no good QT with my kids, after work we're rushing to get dinner on the table and play with them for a few minutes and bath/books/bed, and then I can do my own things - meaning cleaning and packing lunches and paying bills. You want reality? I usually don't go to bed until midnight and get up by 5:30 every day. And I'm never not exhausted.

I make myself get up and run because frankly that's my ONLY time to myself, how sad is that? It's an excuse to leave the house for 45 min.

As far as hobbies, other than running all of my hobbies are pretty sedentary LOL - sewing, knitting, reading etc.

Joanna said...

Hobbies? Books? Sleep? I seem to have a vague memory of those things. If you ever figure out how to work them back in, let me know.