Friday, December 18, 2009

Tis the season to be worn out...

I took everyone's advice and cut back on expectations and activities this holiday season. I shopped online, I had things shipped directly to friends/relatives to avoid multiple trips to the post office, I did my cards in November, and a record number of people are getting giftcards this year. But I am still beat. And I don't even work!! To all you working women, I totally respect you!! How do you do it? I know I am tired b/c I have a newborn with a wacked out sleeping schedule and that toddler of mine is so very demanding of my attention. Add to the fact that all of us have a cold (except Bill). Lacey was doing okay with her sleeping before the cold, but now, its all over the place and I am not getting enough sleep. But who is, really?

Then there are all the regular errands plus the holiday errands that are really no big deal with one kid, but 2 kids in and out of the carseats with winter coats increases the time and annoyance level. Also, Lacey hates her carseat and doesn't sleep well in it, so I am often doing this with a screaming baby (really the only time she screams) or I put her in the baby bjorn, which kills my neck. I have a Ergo carrier, but the infant insert confuses me and I can't get her positioned properly. I need to revisit the instructions in my spare time (haha on the spare time). One thing about newborns that I have totally forgotten about is the pooping. They poop a lot. They wait until you leave the house to blow it out and up the back. Never leave the house without wipes and spare clothes. There are not always good places to change these messes and not every bathroom has a table. Summer clothes are easier to change than winter clothes.

I haven't been posting b/c I haven't had the time, although I have been reading everyone else's blogs and loving the posts about the holidays. I wish I was a bit less grumpy, but I am hoping that this weekend I can get out of my funk. We have a grown-ups party to attend! I will be bringing the baby b/c she doesn't take a bottle well and having both kids will be a lot for my mom to handle. Plus, she and Lana can have some alone time together which they will both enjoy. But Lacey is chill and as long as someone is holding her, she should be okay. I get to wear lipstick! And earrings! And likely I will be wearing some spit up as an accessory as well. But we will have fun. We will also bake some cookies this weekend with my mom, since Lana is so great in the kitchen. I am just looking forward to getting all the running around associated with the holidays done with b/c that is just wearing me out. The holiday itself will be great--low-key, spent with family and good food, so I am keeping that in the forefront of my mind. Plus, Santa is a very magical and mystical creature this year, which is proving to be quite entertaining.

Maybe I just need a nap. A nap would be good. And some chocolate.


Maria said...

A nap is definitely due for you. And maybe a gallon of hot chocolate. With whipped cream. And rum. Hang in there, I will be thinking of you.

LauraC said...

This would explain why I am TIRED AS HELL this week. I can't speak for other working moms but how I do it is to stay up way late and get a lot less sleep. And with Jon gone all the time, it's on me to buckle/unbuckle two kids, get them ready and out the door, get crap done.

This is why I always say I would love to have the experience of just one kid sometime. But after 3.5 years of two, it would feel boring to have just one! HA! Now you know that feeling too!

Donna said...

As a working mom with two kids, I can tell you - you just don't plan to over do it or extend yourself too far. I did a lot of on line shopping. Gave myself two sundays to do all the shopping I needed and just decorated the house with enough to make it feel like Christmas. Why over do it? Just give yourself a break and enjoy it instead!

Beth said...

I caught the grumpies, too. Maybe it had something to do with those damn gingerbread houses. Not even 2 feet of snow has cheered me up. Oh well, I'll get back to it soon. In the meantime, I WISH I could take a nap!

Joanna said...

Dude, I am so tired and cranky right now. I'm not sure how I'm pulling everything off. I think I've just started laughing hysterically instead of crying hysterically and my body thinks I'm having a good time. (Well, I did cry hysterically on Friday, and that helped)

Yay for going out. I hope you had fun. I'm curious, how did you accessorize to go with the spit up? Pearls?

DesiDVM said...

Honestly I don't think there's any rest for SAHMs or working moms. Since I've been back at work it seems like all I do is work, take care of kids, work, take care of kids, work, take care of kids. Notice there's no "take care of myself" or "take care of husband" or "sleep." I'm desperate for that fantasy day of both kids sleeping at least 8 hours straight, how I miss sleeping at night...

So far we've put up our Christmas tree and I JUST sent out cards. That's it. I will be there with the last-minute shoppers this week. Oh well.