Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Language of Mom

Lana talks nonstop. Sometimes so much that I can barely get a word in edgewise. However, lately when I actually say something, I find myself saying strange things that I never thought I would say. All the old-school things like "Knock it off." Or if we are trying to leave somewhere and Lana is intent on staying, "Goodbye Lana, Mommy's leaving..." and the ever-popular "What do you say (to that nice lady who just gave you a balloon)?" Oh, there are all the newfangled mom phrases like "Where are your listening ears?" "Do you need a time-out?" "I like how you were so nice/shared with that kid/so polite" and "That's a warning" or "you two need to work it out". Its so bizarre all these things I have been saying (and singing, but don't get me started on that topic). I wonder if I went back to work I may try one of these "where are your listening ears?" on a coworker.


Maria said...

I go through days when I sing everything to the girls, especially when they are being extra seems to take the edge off!

Joanna said...

LOL. I knew I was in trouble when Michael was about 9 months old. I was at work and someone said something exciting. I clapped my hands and said, "YAY!" Oops.

LauraC said...

I've heard my mom's voice coming out of my mouth so many times it is scary. My least favorite "I don't understand whining. Talk like a big boy."

I WISH I could say that to work people!!

Megan said...

Great post! So true! I do the listening ears one (complete with hand guesture encouring Seren to put them on). Ugh! My dad's classic was, "The pair of ya, stop it." When I find myself saying that, I will admit complete defeat.

jessikahsd said...

I can think of a few people in our old lab who might have benfited from using their listening ears more often ( among other things) - ha ha. :)

DesiDVM said...

My techs were making fun of me just last week for constantly saying "Good job!" in a very Mom voice when people do things right.

Beth said...

What a great post Julie! And I love everyone's comments. My niece had a great preschool teacher who would say, "Zip it, lock it, put-it-in-your-pocket" in a sing-songy voice while pretending to zip and lock her lips. This was to get the kids to stop talking. I find myself doing it with William. And I think I say "Yay!" way too often!