Sunday, August 21, 2011

The questions and the talking

We have two chatty chickadees in the house. We initially thought Lacey might be a little quieter than Lana, but now that she can talk, good grief, someone is always saying something, sometimes at the same time and sometimes they have "conversations" which involve them taking turns making some horrendous scream or other lovely noise.

Lana has always been a talker and she still is, but lately she has been asking really strange and thought-provoking questions, usually when we are driving. I try to jot them down in my phone (at stop lights) so I don't forget them and often I have no idea how to answer them (especially if its before I have had morning coffee). But I do my best to give an age-appropriate answer when I can. Here are a few of my favorite "burning questions":

Mom, do you ever feel like life is just one long dream?

Mom, how exactly do they build a car?

Mom, how does a zipper stick together?

Mom, what makes up air?

Mom, how do you see out of the black circle in your eye?

Mom, who was the first person to ever speak English?

Mom, can super hot water ever cause a fire?

Mom, how did God build our bodies?

Mom, I just don't know what in the world I am going to do for a job when I grow up!!!

As for Lacey, thankfully she is not asking me a bunch of questions I can't answer, but she is stringing words together to get her point across. She is saying a lot of words backwards, which I think is so cute and I will likely forget them over time, unless I write them down. Some words, nobody but me can understand, but then there are other words that come out clear as can be. Here are a few of my favorite Lacey-isms:

Faukee (coffee)
Ah kikis (hello kitty)
buck (cup)
boppy (potty)
maymia (banana) (?)
boose (soup)
bose (soap)
money (yummy)
and my personal favorite sentence-- "Mama, where AHHH you?"

Sometimes my ears feel like they are going to fall off with the constant talking and noise, but then I am reminded by a facebook friend that there are many parents out there with kids who are nonverbal and it would be their wish to be able to communicate so frequently with their little ones. So its true, I am very blessed with my little chatty gals!


Beth said...

Oh my goodness, Julie. Priceless! William asks similar questions, but then he gets really mad when I say, "I don't know." He'll say, "Mom, you know these things. I know you do!" I wish, buddy. I wish!

DesiDVM said...

My boys are both chatty as well, but we still don't understand 99% of what Manny says. He's becoming frustrated with us LOL. My favorite right now is "dodo cat" which is how he refers to our cat Yoda.

J is also very interested in the world. Our favorite show right now is "How It's Made" which is basically a show about how various random items are made in the factory, from phones to toys to tools. He's fascinated by it.