Thursday, January 20, 2011


I don't think I am in a funk or anything, but life has been just...there. Routine. Normal. I don't want to tempt the fates because sometimes not very exciting is actually okay. I'll definitely take it over something catastrophic, but I have not been feeling very inspired to blog, to socialize, to tackle projects, etc. Maybe its the post-holiday lull, or maybe its the rain, although I totally hesitate to crab about the weather here--its been in the high 40s/low 50s which is pretty awesome for January even if its a bit gray. Things have been just a bit--meh.

We have been spending a lot of time planning a vacation! To a warm place, with sun! In April! This is good, very good. The sucky part will be getting there--its a long journey with the kids, although I am not the least bit worried about Lana, its Lacey--she is not going to sit nicely in the seat on the plane. But once we get there, it should be good--it better be good!

We have also finally upgraded our camera and got a digital SLR. Our point and shoot was incapable of capturing Lacey b/c every time we clicked, she moved and we would either get a blurry shot or one of those drunk-looking eyes half open shots. I actually felt like we were not documenting her properly in photos, so now we are getting to know our new camera and I promise some super great photos soon of Lacey in all her cuteness. Lana too, but she is far more cooperative with holding still and smiling. Plus we have a million photos of Lana and like 3 of Lacey--poor second child!

Instead of being a super snappy blogger these days, I have been really trying to stay on top of things around the house. Nothing radical, just not letting stuff get out of control. (Thanks Beth, for the inspiration). I have also been trying to enjoy the simple moments with the kids. Lana has been SO MUCH FUN! She is thriving in school, especially the social part--she just loves her friends and her teachers. She comes home with great stories with lots of detail. She loves to tell jokes, except she doesn't really "get" jokes, so they go something like this:

"How did the toilet walk through the door?"
"Lana, I have no idea, please tell me."
"He turned into a sumo wrestler!! HAHAHAHA"

Yep, they make no sense, but that's what makes us laugh. I love the purity of her laugh too. She has been just delightful to be with, my little friend. Lana has also been a lot more affectionate recently, which is equally delightful. Oh, we still have our moments, but all-in-all this stage has been absolutely wonderful and satisfying as a parent.

Lacey has been having a developmental explosion! She loves to play peek-a-boo, with a blanket over her face or in the playhouse or tent. She just cracks herself up. She is really into her dolls--hugging them, "feeding" them, rocking them. She is a hugger, a lover and oh my goodness I just eat it up! She is still night waking every single friggen night--anywhere from 2-5 times per night. She cries, we leave her alone and she goes back to sleep on her own. Still waiting patiently for her to figure it out. Still waiting patiently to get better sleep myself, sigh.

Lacey's language skills are exploding as well. Here are words she is saying at almost 16 months:
Nana (Lana)
Baw (ball)
Bow (bowl)
Doe (door)
Di-do (grandma dianne)
Amma (my MIL)

She is also blowing kisses, can identify her eyes, nose, ears, teeth, tongue, hair, toes, hands, belly button and waves bye-bye. It is absolutely amazing to me how much she understands--she can follow simple commands, like go get the doll, sit down, stand up, follow me, etc. I am noticing a fiesty streak in her, despite her being a pretty "easy" baby. Maybe its a little foreshadowing of the dreaded terrible twos. Eeek.

Lacey's eating is still frustrating me, but that's a subject for another post. I am taking her to an occupational therapist that specializes in feeding and sensory issues in a couple of weeks. We'll see how that goes.

Ah, this post is all over the place, but I am okay with that. I don't know what is up with me lately. I lack energy and motivation. I have been getting a lot of headaches. I think about putting into action some ideas to make the day-to-day run a little smoother and ways to carve out some time to do something for ME, something that will lift my spirit, make me feel good inside. Right now I need to get my butt in gear and follow through. I need to stop being a spectator. I need to have some fun on the weekends. Blah.

Maybe I am in a funk after all.


Megan said...

I think this is just the post that I have been trying to write. The funk. What is with the January funk? The sense of needing to do more but not having the energy to do more? I think it is post holiday lull. At least for me. But I'm just trying to motivate to do something...different!? So glad though that the girls are being so pleasant! It makes all of the difference. These phases of joy are very welcomed! I still wish that Lana and Seren could hang. They could do eeny, miny and tell each other corny knock-knock jokes. :) You aren't going to the cape this summer, are ya? Oh, and YAY for your sunny vacation in APRIL! That is something to look forward to!

Beth said...

What's up is called LIFE! It's great to have grand dreams and big ideas, but I think we need to remind ourselves, too, that just getting through the day is enough sometimes. Staying on the top of the laundry and cooking dinner and making sure the kids survive another day feeling happy and safe--these are the things that matter. And it sounds like you're doing a smashing job in all of those respects!

As for your vacation, sounds heavenly. We're making plans to go to the beach, but not until June. Boo! Anyway, just keep on keeping on!

LauraC said...

I feel ho-hum right now. I hate January. I am just trying to power through until March, is that bad?

Joanna said...

Yeah, I've got a bit of the funk too. I really just wish I could go outside and play for a little while. But it's cold and wet and none of the many snow storms has left much playable snow around. Blech.

Please, please post or email me about how the visit with the OT goes. We have seen a little improvement with food, but not enough.

DesiDVM said...

Well you saw my last post, I didn't even try LOL.

I love Lana's joke! I actually thought it was funny.

I'm impressed by Lacey's vocabulary. Other than "touchdown" Jr. still doesn't say any words. He understands alot, but no "mama" for me yet. I am loving this age though, they are so cute!!

I feel you on staying on top of things. Just keeping my house clean is a never-ending battle. Which I am losing.